Thursday, November 27, 2008

Indeed one of those days....

My BFF/Sister/Partner in various Crimes and Mis-Deeds (and some Good Ones too) wrote about her "That Kind of Day" over here.

This was my day...
I opened today.  I work at a coffee shop, so that means early.

Very early. (But not Starbucks early. 3:30 is just crazy.)

SO, when the alarm went off at 6 (early)--->!AM!<---(early)  I pressed the snooze bar, which on my clock adds X amount of minutes to the snooze timer.  Yesterday I changed "X" to 7 minutes instead of 5, thinking 2 minutes wouldn't be much and 2 minutes more IN bed was WAAAAY better than 2 more minutes NOT in bed.  Right?  RIGHT!  This is true, until you press (read:slap angrily) said timer 5 or 6 times... or 10 maybe.  That is... many more than 2 minutes.

So I was a wee bit late.  For opening.  There may or may not (there WERE) people waiting to get coffee.  People who were up in time to be at a coffee shop at 7, when it opens.


Well fine, so I opened late... it's not awesome but it's deal-able.

-Then I ran out of chocolate...
-Then we almost ran out of milk...
-Then the speakers exploded...
-Then the second (ONLY OTHER) opener ruptured a cyst that led to an infected kidney...
-Then my boss/landlord who had heart surgery didn't call when he was supposed to... and hasn't yet...
=Then my car wouldn't start.....

Then I taught piano and everything was good for a bit. (YAY!)

Then I got home and did laundry. (YAY!)  *Note: Put laundry in dryer so I actually have underwear at Thanksgiving dinner.

BUT THEN, when I was playing Fallout 3 (which is my favorite game) and got to a weapons cache (the biggest IN the game, I have since learned) where there are many things (including one of a very few Mini-Nuke launchers) I was very happy. (YAY x 50!)

Then I tried to leave, and my game froze...
Then I loaded my game and tried again, and it froze again... and again... and again...

What is there to do but *sigh*.

And maybe drink heavily.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Winter time.

Yawns come out of my mouth much earlier than they used to, I blame the sun.  It sets at two now.  Do I tell people to have a nice evening then?  Or am I allowed to say "Have a nice afternoon" for a few more hours?  I'll try both out and see which one gets more odd glances.  Then stick with that one.

What's the point of being a barista if you can't play with people's perception?  
There isn't one.


Friday, November 07, 2008

You know you live in Bremerton when....

... someone asks you where the latrine is, and they're halfway there before you realize that you've just directed someone to a latrine.

True story.

Piano Lessons and Near Death Experiences.

The last time I posted anything was Oct. 27th.  It is now Nov. 6th... 7th.  Nov. 7th.

That is pathetic.

What's more pathetic is that nothing new has happened.

Well, ok not entirely.  

Notable updates in my life:

Onesie)I'm pretty much all moved into my new place.  Finally!  It only took 2 weeks.  The next time I move I'm taking my computer, my pictures and my 5 favorite pieces of clothing and burning the rest.  Srsly. Fo. Realz.

Tuesday) I taught piano today!  YaaaaAAaay!  It's been over a year and while I am doing the whole theory thing, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed teaching a skill as opposed to a textbook.  My last student of the day was an amazingly adorable 5 year old girl who was chattier than anyone I have ever met.  I wanted to keep her, but that tends to be against the law. :)

Thrice) I almost died 3 or 4 times this evening!  Jesus. (And I don't use that name lightly) 

Apparently Washington finally decided it was fall and is compressing all of the rain that we usually get in the season into 4 days that make Noah's thing look like a freaking shower.  With a low flow head.  And terrible water pressure.

 To be fair, it's partially my fault (two of the instances anyway) 
I was in a rush to get somewhere tonight and what looked like tiny puddles turned out to bee a few inches (like 12) deeper.  So yeah, on the plus side my car doesn't need to be washed anymore.  Hooray for silver linings!....?

Then on the way back a couple semi trucks decided that hydroplaning, into my lane, would be a grand idea.  

I hated everyone for a while.  I'm better now.

So there those are, nothing very important but such is life.  The vast expanses of  boring just make the exciting bits that much better.... is what I tell myself.  :p