My BFF/Sister/Partner in various Crimes and Mis-Deeds (and some Good Ones too) wrote about her "That Kind of Day" over here.
This was my day...
I opened today. I work at a coffee shop, so that means early.
Very early. (But not Starbucks early. 3:30 is just crazy.)
SO, when the alarm went off at 6 (early)--->!AM!<---(early) I pressed the snooze bar, which on my clock adds X amount of minutes to the snooze timer. Yesterday I changed "X" to 7 minutes instead of 5, thinking 2 minutes wouldn't be much and 2 minutes more IN bed was WAAAAY better than 2 more minutes NOT in bed. Right? RIGHT! This is true, until you press (read:slap angrily) said timer 5 or 6 times... or 10 maybe. That is... many more than 2 minutes.
So I was a wee bit late. For opening. There may or may not (there WERE) people waiting to get coffee. People who were up in time to be at a coffee shop at 7, when it opens.
Well fine, so I opened late... it's not awesome but it's deal-able.
-Then I ran out of chocolate...
-Then we almost ran out of milk...
-Then the speakers exploded...
-Then the second (ONLY OTHER) opener ruptured a cyst that led to an infected kidney...
-Then my boss/landlord who had heart surgery didn't call when he was supposed to... and hasn't yet...
=Then my car wouldn't start.....
Then I taught piano and everything was good for a bit. (YAY!)
Then I got home and did laundry. (YAY!) *Note: Put laundry in dryer so I actually have underwear at Thanksgiving dinner.
BUT THEN, when I was playing Fallout 3 (which is my favorite game) and got to a weapons cache (the biggest IN the game, I have since learned) where there are many things (including one of a very few Mini-Nuke launchers) I was very happy. (YAY x 50!)
Then I tried to leave, and my game froze...
Then I loaded my game and tried again, and it froze again... and again... and again...
What is there to do but *sigh*.
And maybe drink heavily.
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