Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lazy Wednesdays, Links and a Katamari Cake

I'm copping out on a real post today because it's the week before finals and have to finish papers early so I can go home this weekend. As I've recently become a member of 20something bloggers (ans gave up Facebook for Lent) I've been skipping around the unterwebs for things to read. Here are some of them;

1. There's this girl Jill. She's pretty frickin' hysterical and you should read about her life in Alska at "The Great White North" This one is my favorite, and not just 'cause Jill's my BFF The Second and plutonic valentine who occasionally mentions me.

2. Becca is rad too, she's over at "The Dauntless Muse." She's my BFF The First... and also mentions me occasionally. Notice a pattern?

3. NO YOU DON'T, it's coincidence because "Cute with Chris" won't mention me until he has to take out a restraining order agrees to collaborate with me.  I would take so many cute pictures. with him.

4. I've made a few friends over at 20somethings and both Ben of "No Ordinary Rollercoaster"* and Amber of "LeMeh" are wonderful people** who should be read everyday.  Amber is a mom who I a little wish was my mom 'cause she's sarcastic and dry and those are some of my favorite things.  Ben is hilarious and Canadian and I've a softness for Canada ever since I went there and liked it better than here places.

5. Last thing is "Cake Wrecks" where I found the following picture.  1000 words GO:
(Found by Christina H. and made by Mike's Amazing Cakes)

So go; read and be learned.

*I know that Roller Coaster is really two words, but quotes fix things.
**They might be a little put off at being called "wonderful" but I've a good feeling that it's true.

2 statements:

Rainey said...

I don't think I can give you 1000 words on the cake...but perhaps a haiku?

large pink sphere
dear god, are those eggs?
I want some

Penguinboxers said...

Haha, love it! I also want some, like mad crazy cakes do I want some.