The last time I posted anything was Oct. 27th. It is now Nov. 6th... 7th. Nov. 7th.
That is pathetic.
What's more pathetic is that nothing new has happened.
Well, ok not entirely.
Notable updates in my life:
Onesie)I'm pretty much all moved into my new place. Finally! It only took 2 weeks. The next time I move I'm taking my computer, my pictures and my 5 favorite pieces of clothing and burning the rest. Srsly. Fo. Realz.
Tuesday) I taught piano today! YaaaaAAaay! It's been over a year and while I am doing the whole theory thing, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed teaching a skill as opposed to a textbook. My last student of the day was an amazingly adorable 5 year old girl who was chattier than anyone I have ever met. I wanted to keep her, but that tends to be against the law. :)
Thrice) I almost died 3 or 4 times this evening! Jesus. (And I don't use that name lightly)
Apparently Washington finally decided it was fall and is compressing all of the rain that we usually get in the season into 4 days that make Noah's thing look like a freaking shower. With a low flow head. And terrible water pressure.
To be fair, it's partially my fault (two of the instances anyway)
I was in a rush to get somewhere tonight and what looked like tiny puddles turned out to bee a few inches (like 12) deeper. So yeah, on the plus side my car doesn't need to be washed anymore. Hooray for silver linings!....?
Then on the way back a couple semi trucks decided that hydroplaning, into my lane, would be a grand idea.
I hated everyone for a while. I'm better now.
So there those are, nothing very important but such is life. The vast expanses of boring just make the exciting bits that much better.... is what I tell myself. :p
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