Saturday, April 10, 2010

Oh, hello.

While I realize I need to make a frrl (that's "for real" for you non-let'sallruintheenglishlanguage types out there) post... not tonight.  For tonight, I am drunk.  And not any kind of drunk, but a special kind.  I'm wine drunk.  Wine drunk is an interesting phenonomon.  For instance, it allows you to remember word like "phenonomon" but forces you to spell them in ways that the little red grammar police *that would be those pesky lines underneath words typed too quickly* don't recognize.  (I'm going to say shame on the dictionary programers here, I'm pretty sure I spelled that in some phonetic way.)  When did italics happen?  Anyway.... where was I going with this.... oh yeah.

I just sent this to someone over skype and I think I lol'd at it.

when you're wine drunk... mostly verydarkbrownalmostblack pizza isn't half bad.

hahaha, yup.  That was it.  OH LORD THIS IS ANNOYING.  Ah, much better.

So, the lesson of today kids; "When you're wine drunk, mostly verydarkbrownalmostblack pizza isn't half bad."

Sleep well, but not in one.

2 statements:

Sara Strand said...

Damn. I feel like I am missing out by not being a drinker. I might just have to do the wine drunk thing at home one night... probably NOT on a work night. ;)

Penguinboxers said...

Well thanks Smart Ass! ;)

And thanks for following commenting. I do recommend the wine drunk, but yeah... not on a work night.