Pretty sure this is a record. If it keeps up I may have to spend some time sprucing this place up a bit.
I had a dream last night that I was living in this giant house with a bunch of friends, and when walking through the solarium (seriously, giant house) I was attacked by crab-spiders. The evil genius next door had created them, and then it turned that the friends by the pool were the royal family and the queen mother and I jumped into the nearest helicopter and went to Turkey. It gets a little fuzzy from there, my alarm had gone off and NPR was talking about Haiti. I was late for class too, which sucks.
Epic fail of the quarter, I didn't finish my research paper. I've come to peace with the fact that my teacher probably will think of me as some druggie slacker... I'll probably re-take it next year. It's the ONLY class I'm doing badly in... the ONLY ONE. I'm going to be ok(ish) with it.
It has gotten me to hate myself enough to go for a run... if this self-loathing keeps up I might have something approaching a body... that's neat.
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